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Stock Alerts

Here you can create email alerts for your stocks. Once the values defined by you on your alerts are reached, an alert will be sent to you by email. All you have to do is to choose the value of your alert, an expiry date, and the asset itself. If the expiry date is reached, the alert is cancelled.

The expiry date is useful on those cases in which we want to receive for example an alert if our orders are executed with an expiry date. If we execute an order which is valid only until a certain day at a fixed price, after creating the alert, we could know, when receiving the alert by email, that the order was executed because the price has reached the value we defined, and the same way, when the order expires by reaching the expiry date, it would be also good that the alert would be cancelled for the same reason. It's for this reason that the expiry date exists.

Important to know: The alerts will be sent to the email address that exists at the moment in which the alerts are created and that email address won't be changed if the user changes the email address that is associated with him. The stock alerts can only be defined with values over the High quote value of the current day, or below the Low quote value of the current day. So you can only define values that are out of the range of prices of the current day quotes.

Attention: It's important to know that we can't guarantee that all the alerts will be delivered in time and without any problems, as there can be several problems related to the electronic mail systems, at the server level, or message delivery, spam filters, delays, among others, and for those reasons, we can never guarantee that the alerts will be delivered, neither assume the responsibility of their delivery. Always check your spam folder, because it is possible that our email messages could be initially filtered and sent to the spam folders by mistake by the spam filters.

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